These are currently all the interests that our members have posted.
3D Mapping projection 3d printing 20+ 21 30+ 40+ 90s music Academic Work accounting Acting Active Acupuncture Adhd Adventure Adventures Adventure sports Afternoon cafe or tea afternoon lunch/cocktails Afternoon tea Airsoft all music all things spiritual alt Alternative alternative-rock alternative health alternative medicine alternative music American football american history American politics Among Us and do everything from beach walks to nightclubs. and Watching series animal lover animal rescue Animal rights animals animation anime animes Anime series antiques anything adventurous aprender inglés Archery architecture Aromatherapy Arr Array art Art & Design art galleries artificial Intelligence arts arts&crafts arts andcrafts arts and crafts ASD asian food Asmr astrology Astronomy audiobooks au pair Au Pair experience aupair friends Au pair friends au pair life Autism aviation babies Badminton bailar baking baking/cooking ballet bands banter bars bars/pubs basic car maintenance basketball Bbq BBQ's beach beachcombing beaches Beach walk beach walks Beauty beer beers be fun being outdoors Being round my kids belgian beer biking bingo Biochemistry Biology birdwatching Blogging board games boardgames Board Gaming Bob Dylan Boogie/Disco dancing :) Book club book clubs books Books books books Bordgames bouldering bowling Boxing Broomball brunch brunching Building bullet journaling business caffee café Cafés Cake caminar por la playa. Caminos camogie Camping Candle Making Candles canning canping Card games card making Caring cars castles Cathedrals Catholic Catholicism catlovers cats Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Celts Cenima Charity Charity Shops charity work Chat Chats chatting Chatting with friends Chemistry chess childcare children chilling chilling out chilling with a glass of white wine or a bottle of bud chocolate choir Christian Christmas cinema Cinematography city breaks City Life Classical music Cleaning Climbing clothes Clubbing clubs coast coastal walks Cocktails cocktails and chats coctails coding Codm cofee coffe coffee Coffee & Chats coffee/lunch meet up coffee and chat coffee and chats coffee and conversation coffee and tea shops Coffee dates Coffee lover coffee meet ups coffees coffee shops cold sea swimming Colin Bateman Books collaborative art comedy comedy gigs comic books Comics community Community Support Computer games + boardgames Computer programming computers Computing Concerts conferences conscious living Consciousness Console Gaming Conversation Cook Cooking cooking/baking cooking and baking Cosplay Country life country music Countryside cows Craft Craft beer Crafting Crafts Creative Writing Creativity cricket crime documentaries Crime fiction Crime shows crochet crocheting cross stitch Cruise Ships crystals. culture Cultures Current Affairs cycling Cycling camping football dance dancing darts data science Days out Day trips DC decorating Deep Coversations deep water running design different cultures different culturs Dining dining out dinner dinner and drinks dinner dates Dinner Partys dinners dinners out disabilities discovering new places discover new places Disney Disney movies diversity diving diy DJ Music dnd Doctor Who Documentaries dog Dog lover Dogracing dogs Dog Walking Dog walks doner kebabs Donkeys Drawing dreams drink drinking drinking tea drinks drinks and chats drives driving drums dublin Easy going Easygoing Eating eating in or out eating out eco eco issues Economics Economy ecotherapy education Electronic games Electronic Music embroidery Engagement engineering England English Enjoying family enjoying life. Entrepreneurship environment Environmentalism Españoles Ethical Living Ethical Relations events Everything new excursions Executive Coaching exercise exercising Expanding social circle with like minded people Experimental music exploring Exploring new places F1 (Ferrari) Faith Family Family day out Fantasy Fantasy and sci-fi farming fashion Feminism fencing festivals Film film buff film making film photography Films Finance Finding the creep that sent robots after me and my friend first responder fish fishing Fitness flowers Folklore food Foodie Football Football (Soccer) Foreign language learning forensic science forest food. Forest walks formula 1 Fortnite Franceses french friends Friendship fun futuristic architecture Gaa gadgets Gaeilge galleries Galway game nights game of thrones games Gaming Garden gardening Gardens Genealogy general chat German German speaking getting vitamin D when I can gigs gin girls night out girls nights out girly stuff goals going for a coffee going for coffee Going for coffee & lunch going for coffee /tea going for lunch going for walks Going out Going out for dinner & drinks going out for drinks or meals golf Golfing good company good conversation good food good talks good wine go on adventures graphic design great conversation Greek mythology Group meetups growing my own produce Guinness Guitar gym Hair Halloween hand-crafting Hanging out Hangouts Harajuku Fashion harry potter Harry styles hats having fun Health health and wellness Healthy eating Healthy lifestyle healthy living healthyliving helping animals Helping Others higher frequencies hikes Hiking Hiking/walking Hill walking Hillwalking historical sites history Hockey holidays holography Home Bar home decor Homemade home renovation Homeschooling horror Horror films Horror Movies horseback riding horse riding horseriding horses hot chocolate hotchocolate house interiors House music Humor hunting hurling I'm Interested with male or females Ibiza I like running I like Skiing illustration I love football (ManU till I die) Inclusiveness information technology Ingleses insects Instagram Intellectual Discussions interior design international friends internationalfriends International Politics international’s cooking internet introvert Introverts investing Ireland irish Irish History Irish Language and Culture irish music Irishmusic IT Jazz jeeps Jigsaws joga jogging John Wick Jokes Karaoke Kart Racing kayaking kdrama Kerry Kids knitting Knocknacarra Korean Kpop lacrosse language Language exchange language learning languages laugh laughing laughs laughter Learning Learning languages learning new things Learningnewthings learning things Lego LGBT lgbtq limerick Listening Music listening to American music listening to music listening to music (pretty much every type) listening to music and podcasts Literature Live gigs Live music Liverpool local music Longboard longboarding long drives Long walks Looking for meaningful friendships lord of the rings love Love live music Love to read lunch Lunch dates lunches lunch meet ups Make friends makeup Make up making friends Making new friends Manutd Marketing Markets Martial arts Marvel Marvel movies massage math meals media Meditating meditation meditation and a lot more... meeting meeting friends meeting friends for tea and a chat Meeting new friends meeting new people meeting people meeting up meeting up for a walk/run Meeting with friends meet new people Meet People Meet ups memes Mental Health metal metal music Michael jackson Military mind and body Mindfulness Minecraft Minimalism MMA modern Warfare mom life Money Montessori more coffee Mother Motivational talks Motorbikes Motorcycle motorcycles motorcycling Motor racing Mountain mountain biking mountains movement movie movie buff movie nights movies movies & tv Movies/cinema movies/series Movies and tv Multiculturalism museum museums music Music; learning; philosophizing; musicals music gigs Musics Music that made History :) music travel reading cinema coffee animals cooking photography movies my hero academia mystery Mythology natural voice choir nature nature holidays Nature lover nature walks Nature Wanderer Naturopathy Netflix Netflixs Neuroscience new friends new healthy recipes New language new mum play dates New Technology nightlife night out nights in Nights in Nights out nights out nightsout nomad nothing after 1999 Nursing Nutrition ocean Old movies One direction optimism other cultures other dimensions outdoor Outdoor activities outdoor life outdoors Outdoorsy Over 50 painting parenting park hangouts parkrun Parties party Party games partying pasear pastries PC-Gaming Hardware Improvement pc games PC Gaming peaky blinders personal development pets pharmacy philosophy Philosophy Discussions Photograph photography PhotoShop Physical activities piano picnics Pilates pints pizza Places to go out plant based plants Playing Cricket playing games playing guitar playing music Playing Pool Plays playstation PlayStation 4 podcasting Podcasts Poetry Pokemon pokemon go Pole Fance politics Pool positive Positive vibes positivity pottery preloved clothes programming PS4 psychology Psychotherapy pub Pubs puzzles Quick chats quizzes racing radio random chats Raquet sports Readind reading Reading (YA/NA) reading books Reading Books about History Reality TV - don't judge! red wine reiki relationships relaxing Religion renovation renovations Reptiles restaurants Resturants retail therapy Retreats rice Riding quad bikes road trips roadtrips rock rock climbing Rock music Roller skating rollerskating rom coms Rowing RPG games RPGs rugby run running sacred geometry sailing Salir a caminar salir de compras o ir al cine Salthill sarcasm Scale Modeling schnauzers Sci-Fi Science science fiction scifi Scouts scrapbooking scuba diving Sea Seaside second-hand clothes shopping Seeing new places self-sustainability self development self improvement self sufficiency series Sewing shopping sightseeing Sight Seeing Silence singing Skateboarding skating sketching skiing skincare Sleeping Snooker Snowboarding sober activities soccer social Social get togethers socialise socialising Social Justice social media Social meetings society & culture sociology Software Development solfeggio Sound design southern South Korea Spa Space Space documentaries and Gardening spa days Spanish Spa Treatments Spa Trips Speak speak English spending time with friends Spiders spiritual Spirituality spiritually spontaneous ideas Sport sports sports music Squash squirrels stamps stand up comedy starbucks Star trek Star Wars stranger things strolls studying sun sun holidays sunshine ??? SUP Super Mario Maker sup hiking Supper Clubs Surf surfing sushi Sustainability Sustainable living Sweets swim swiming swimmimg swimming swimming and reading novels Swimming in the sea table tennis Table tennis badminton cycling Take That Taking kids to the park Talking tarot tattoo Tattoos taxidermy Taylor swift tea teaching Tea or coffee tech Techno technology TED Talks teen tennis Ten pin bowling the arts theater theatre The Sea The Walking Dead The X Files thrift thrillers Tidying TikTok tipperary tomar algo Touring Tractors trad trading Trad Music training Translation travel travel & adventure. Traveling Travelling travels trekking Trending trip trips trips away true crime Trust trying new cuisines trying new things TV tv series Tvshow TV Shows ucd Ukulele upcycling Up for trying new things vampires Vegan Vegan food vegetarian vegetarian food Video game developing video games videogames. Vikings vintage visiting ireland visiting new places visiting places Voleyball volleyball Volunteering Volunteer work Walk walking Walking/hiking Walking cinema wine outdoors Walking dogs Walking in Nature Walking my dog walking or hiking walking the dog walks Walks on the beach watch anime Watching Movies watching netflix Watching TV series Watching YouTube videos water watersports water sports weekend breaks weekend breaks away weekends away Weight Lifting weight loss well-being Wellbeing Wellness wheelchair basketball whiskey Who doesn't love Coffee? wild camping wildlife wild swimming Wine wine appreciation wineries wine tasting Witcher woodworking work Working out work mom life workout Work out workouts wrestling Writing yoga yoga and strength training YouTube zero waste zumba 🍺