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Is There Anyone Out There?

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Avatar photoAnonymous.
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    • #12831
      ElizabethSwanto reply use @elizabethswan
      Message Member

        Is there anyone on this site actually genuinely interested in connecting and making new friends? All I see are profiles which have very little or no information and some can't even be bothered to have a photo, just join with no other info.

        I am mid 40s single female, no kids and no interest in having kids. I left Ireland after college and returned a few years ago. I am finding Irish people very reluctant and adverse to making friends and allowing a new person into their social groups. I don't have the same life experiences as other 40 something Irish people and if you are single with no kids, it seems that you are very much the outsider and people just cant relate as Irish society revolves around family.

        My interests are
        • European city breaks solo travel
        • USA city breaks solo travel
        • Visiting Disney parks
        • Online communities and social media
        • Gothic fantasy vampire movies and tv
        • Marvel and superhero movies and tv
        • Star Wars movies and tv
        • National geographic documentaries

        I just want to have real life people to talk to , to maybe meet up for coffee or shopping. I'm not looking for a romantic relationship, just to have someone that would ring me and say what are you doing Saturday, lets go try the new summer menu at Starbucks and have a chat.

      • #14027
        Nina Cto reply use @sunshine101
        Message Member

          Sent you a pm!

        • #16310
          Anonymousto reply use
          Message Member

            Wow – my first day here but place must be a ghost town to say how little interest this post got.

            Hi I'm Gavin – based in Cork and also a Disney land enthusiast 🤣

            Going to see if we can't get some active users here into a zoom or something – up for it?

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