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Good people

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  • Author
    • #19189
      Clare Christianto reply use @clarebeater86
      Message Member

        My name’s Clare I live in the USA and I have no friends I find it hard to trust people because it seems wat I think a friendship is others don’t agree but I’m hoping here I might find decent honest caring funny people I can call my friends

      • #19328
        Ryeker Grehanto reply use @ryeker
        Message Member

          Hi Clare, ryeker here. i am not good at this stuff but would to give it a try. hows things

        • #21012
          JessyJto reply use @jessyj
          Message Member

            Hi Clare, I can totally relate. Where are those genuine good folks that are kind caring and funny… I’ve been searching since thr age of 5…

          • #21055
            Leitrim68to reply use @leitrim-68
            Message Member

              There are loads of good people out there. Sadly I think a lot have the same trust issues. Usually caused by one or two bad eggs

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